Thursday, November 12, 2009

Praying & Hopeful

Last night I received an e-mail from an online friend. She sent me information on a little girl in Uganda that she thought I might be interested in.

I am. Very.

This little sweetie isn't at Sanyu, so there is a lot to figure out--a lot of unknowns. Would you please pray with me? I know the Lord will work out all of the details if this is my daughter. I am not worried about that. Just looking for some clarification on some issues that will determine if I can pursue adopting her.


  1. Great news! I will be praying for more direction if this is your daughter and that you will get in contact with all the necessary people to start this process without Sanyu. This verse is for me (and you) this year.. Habukkuk 2: 2-3

  2. I've been praying for this little girl (If you got the info from Hedda). She's precious!

