Monday, November 15, 2010

I LOVE the letter E!!

And today, I got to see lots of them...

Dorie's report card was full of E's (as in "Excellent")!! She even got a Pass for Spanish! Her teacher said so many wonderful things about her. I was thrilled to hear how well she is doing academically. To know that she is not being held back by her limited English proficiency just made my heart soar. To hear that she is compassionate and polite and obedient got me a little choked up.

My heart is full today. I am one proud mama!


  1. Awesome job Dorie! Awesome job Mama! I get to go to my first parent-teacher interview next week too. Can't wait. :-)

  2. WAY TO GO DORIE!!!!!!! What a wonderful report card!!!!!

  3. For Dorie: Hooray Dorie!! What a hard worker you are! Keep doing good work in school.

    Melissa: Congrats! She's amazing. Learning Spanish and English must be a challenge, but is she blessed to have a mom like you who is willing to help and has the tools to do so. =) I know I don't see you at work any more, but I am so happy for you. Your blogs make me feel as if I am listening to you share about your little girl face to face.
    Thanks for sharing all of these beautiful memories with us.

  4. What a wonderful report!! Although I am not surprised...way to go!!
