Saturday, July 11, 2009


Today I got fingerprinted! It's my first real "doing something" besides just ordering a document online. The gentleman thought I was crazy for wanting a picture, but when I told him I wanted to be able to show my daughter someday, he warmed up right away. Karalyn had to get fingerprinted, too, since she lives in my house. I tried to casually but firmly make it clear that I was the one adopting...not the two of us together! It's so sad that in our society I have to worry that people may think that.

Yesterday I tried to make my doctor's appointment online but it said I wasn't eligible for a physical until 2010. So I called. The woman on the other end was so sweet, figuring out a way to label the appointment so that I would be able to get all the information I needed from my doctor without calling it a "physical." Then she started asking me questions about the adoption. Turns out that she has 3 adopted kids of her own! We sat and chatted for 10 minutes! Isn't God good? I'm so glad that I couldn't make that appointment online...I would've missed the blessing!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Next Steps

So I have decided to start gathering all the documents for my homestudy. I believe God is doing something, and that this adoption would have a part in furthering His Kingdom. However, it may be that He just desires me to struggle through part of the journey, and that no adoption for me would be what glorifies Him. Either way, I know it's up to Him. I am just His servant and will step out with Him in faith until He closes a door or tells me to stop.

I'm am just beginning to go through the study "Experiencing God" by Henry Blackaby. If you haven't done the study, I highly recommend it. It is designed to help Christians know the Will of God--and to take the focus off ourselves and put it back on the Lord. I need to lose the idea of "What is God's Will for my life?" and start asking, "What is God's Will and what part does He want me to play in it?" My prayer is that, in all things, I would experience more of God and be able to partake of the work He is doing around me.