Thursday, May 13, 2010

Good News and a Heard At My House

My file is now in Nairobi awaiting the adjudication process...that's just a fancy term that means somebody's going to make an official decision on our visa application. The process can take 30-60 days, though we've been assured it is almost always shorter than that. Praying that is the case for us.

So most of you know that by profession, I am a teacher for English Learners. I am finding such joy in watching Dorie's English develop so quickly! Every once in a while, though, we get these sweet moments that give me that gut-busting laugh...

Dorie: Mommy, can I have give me some juice, please?
Me: Yes, Dorie, but hang on a minute.
Dorie: Mommy, can I have give me some juice, please?
Me: Honey, I said yes. "Hang on a minute" means "I am coming" so you need to wait, okay?
Dorie: (sigh) But Mommy, I don't know Spanish!!

Guess we've watched a few too many episodes of Dora the Explorer!


  1. Woo Hoo! Praying the process is short!

    It has been such a joy and a blessing to spend time with you and Dorie! She is such a precious girl!

    Love to you both!

  2. I have an English Language learner in my class this year. Yes, I only have one! Remember, I teach in Indiana... :-) This student speaks Chinese (Mandarin). Another student was very proud of herself one day, declaring, "I can count in Chinese!" "You can?" I asked with surprise. She answers, "Yes. Uno, Dos. Tres.."

