Thursday, February 25, 2010

Just to clarify...

Lately I have gotten a few questions about why I would be adopting a child who has a loving relationship with her birthmother. It is a loaded question, and I have been hesitant to talk much about it because I believe it is Doreen's story to tell when and if she chooses. However, in order to avoid any confusion, I will simply say that her birthmother loves her daughter enough to want to see her in a loving, stable, and safe home. Several months ago, she asked attorneys to find a family for Doreen. She has already willingly relinquished her parental rights.

There are many social, economic, and physical reasons that a parent may decide to make an adoption plan for her child. The U.S. Embassy is aware of the details of Doreen's life, and based on that information, she is legally considered to be an orphan. It is painful, but if Doreen ever chooses to share the details of her history, I believe you would understand that it this is necessary.

1 comment:

  1. Totally commend the way you shared this! Praying for you all!! Bless you, sister!
