Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Judge Heard Our Case Today

So there is good news and some not so good news (but not necessarily bad news)....

Today we got to court early. Everyone came again, which was a huge blessing. And this time, the judge came, too! :) There was a delay, and the judge called my attorneys in to her chambers to discuss whether or not she would hear our case. The reason was just because issues have not officially been resolved yet, and she does not want more families stuck in limbo. I can appreciate her concern.

However, she decided she wanted to hear our case after all. It was really interesting to watch the proceedings. Basically, my attorney dictated her arguments and evidence while the judge transcribed everything with pen and paper. Fascinating. There were no questions asked. It was a simple procedure that took 40 minutes. The judge seems to want to see children placed in homes. She is kind.

The problem is that she will not give our ruling until next Thursday, March 11. We were supposed to leave on Sunday the 7th. At first I was really disappointed, but my attorneys shared with me afterwards that the reason she is waiting is that there are more meetings scheduled to take place, and she thinks the visa situation can be resolved before she writes my ruling. Which would allow us to get a visa. Which means I have to stay an extra 2 weeks, but which also means there is still a good chance Dorie will come home with me.

Please pray now for all of our travel details. I need to decide what to do next...when to retu122222222222222222222222(Doreen is helping me type)111111111111111111111112222222111111113333333333334444444444444444445555555666666777777777777777777 778888888888889999999900000000000

awedderrtuyuuiioiophfdgvgvvgjm,mmmmmmmmjgvtytyt5re5tzxxxxxxxvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvtrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr676767 with a child... :)

So what we need now is prayer for details for the remainder of our trip. My mom is probably going to return home on Sunday as planned. Please pray for her as she travels alone. I also need to decide when to reschedule my flight home. I need to work out details for where I should stay after my mom leaves. Please also pray for my finances, as I may be penalized financially with work. I have so many sick days saved up, but unfortunately, my district does not have maternity leave for adoption. I had planned my trip to max out the days I could take off with pay. Every day I stay beyond Monday is likely going to be without pay. I know the Lord is in control, and I know I need to be here with Doreen for as long as possible.

Isn't it so precious to live in the peace of knowing that the Lord is in control? He knows the future, and He is trustworthy.

My sister and another friend sent me encouragement from Streams in the Desert from March 1 (our first court date):
"Consider what God has done: Who can straighten what He has made crooked?" (Ecclesiastes 7:13)

God often seems to place His children in places of deep difficulty, leading them into a corner from which there is no escape. He creates situations that human judgment, even if consulted, would never allow. Yet the cloudiness of the circumstance itself is used by Him to guide us to the other side. Perhaps this is where you find yourself even now.
Your situation is filled with uncertainty and is very serious, but it is perfectly right. The reason behind it will more than justify Him Who brought you here, for it is a platform from which God will display His almighty grace and power.
He will not only deliver you but in doing so will impart a lesson that you will never forget. And in days to come, you will return to the truth of it through singing. You will be unable to thank God enough for doing exactly what He has done.

Praise God that every situation He places me in is perfectly right! He is so good!



So please continue to pray.


  1. Melissa and Dorie,
    We are praying for you! Thank you for sharing from Streams in the Desert. Love that book and really needed to hear that this morning too. Thanks for keeping us up to date. God is at work, even in the quiet.

  2. That seems like really good news, looks like you have a judge that is really caring for your situation! God will provide enough.

  3. Thanks for sharing Streams in the Desert as it so applicable to us as well....very comforting.

    We are praying hard and trusting in a BIG God...Love you

  4. Thinking about you and praying daily!!!!

  5. Hi Melissa~
    I am continuing to pray for you. I read that devotion too. Hearing it again was just what I needed today. Thanks & Hugs.
